Network Installation Instructions


How do I install the Execamort - Loan Amortizer Plus to my server?


There are various methods to install Execamort to a Network Server. Review the following methods and pick the solution that you are comfortable with. In all cases, be sure to run the installer as a network administrator user. You can do this by right clicking on the ExecamortV3.exe install file and click on Run as Administrator.

Method 1: Run Execamort from a common drive letter shared by all your users
Method 2: Run Execamort from a UNC path (no drive letters) using a pre-exisiting share
Method 3: Run Execamort from a UNC path (no drive letters) using a dedicated share name

Method 1 - Running Execamort from a common drive letter shared by all your users


You will be installing Execamort from a workstation that has a drive letter mapped to a server. You may need to be logged in with administrative privilages. On the first workstation, you will select the default of Full Installation. On the other workstations, you will select to install just the Run Time files only. In all cases, you will need to override the default installation location and specify the shared drive letter and folder to install to.


  1. From a workstation on the network, run the Execamort installer, selecting the full installation option. When prompted for the location to install to, specify the path DriveLetter:\execamort (Replace DriveLetter with the drive letter that is mapped to the common share on your server.)
  2. Install the latest Exec-amort Hotfix update to your server. The latest Exec-amort hotfix is available only when you log in to the website. Click the log in button on the top right and log in. Once your logged in, click on the Downloads/Updates menu selection. Scroll to the bottom half of the downloads and updates web page to locate the downloadable products. Select the Hotfix download.
  3. Double Click on the desktop icon labeled Execamort and enter in your serial number and activation key when requested
  4. Go to your next workstation and run the Execamort installer, but select only the Run Time install option (do not select the Full install). When prompted for the location to install to, specify the path DriveLetter:\execamort (Replace DriveLetter with the drive letter that is mapped to the common share on your server.)
  5. Delete the desktop icon created by the Execamort installer
  6. Create a new desktop shortcut to the installed location DriveLetter:\execamort\execamort.exe (Replace DriveLetter with the drive letter that is mapped to the common share on your server.)
  7. Repeat the last three steps for each additional workstation that will need to access the network copy of the Execamort program.

Method 2 - Running Execamort from a UNC path (no drive letters) using a pre-exisiting share


You will be installing Execamort from a workstation and you will be entering a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path name. You may need to be logged in with administrative privilages. On the first workstation, you will select the default of Full Installation. On the other workstations, you will select to install just the Run Time files only. In all cases, you will need to override the default installation location and specify the UNC path name to install to.


    1. From a workstation on the network, run the Execamort installer, selecting the full installation option. When prompted for the location to install to, specify the path \\servername\existingsharename\execamort

      Optional Step: On your file server, you may need to create a folder first to contain the Execamort program. This folder should be located in a folder that is already shared. For example: on your server you might have a folder where you install all your network aware applications. Lets say you have a server drive E: with an applications folder called APPL (E:\APPL) and you share the folder E:\APPL with the share name of PROGRAMS. You will need to create a folder called EXECAMORT in the E:\APPL folder. You would now have the folder structure E:\APPL\EXECAMORT and from workstations you would access this share with the UNC path of \\servername\programs\execamort
    2. Install the latest Exec-amort Hotfix update to your server. The latest Exec-amort hotfix is available only when you log in to the website. Click the log in button on the top right and log in. Once your logged in, click on the Downloads/Updates menu selection. Scroll to the bottom half of the downloads and updates web page to locate the downloadable products. Select the Hotfix download.
    3. Double Click on Execamort icon on your workstation desktop and enter in your serial number and activation key when requested
    4. Go to your next workstation and run the Execamort installer, but select only the Run Time install option (do not select the Full install). When prompted for the location to install to, specify the path \\servername\existingsharename\execamort
    5. Delete the desktop icon created by the Execamort installer
    6. Create a new desktop shortcut to the installed location \\servername\existingsharename\execamort\execamort.exe
    7. Repeat the last three steps for each additional workstation that will need to access the network copy of the Execamort program.

In the above installation instructions, be sure to replace "servername" with the real name of your server. Also replace "existingsharename" with the real name of the share you are using.

Method 3 - Running Execamort from a UNC path (no drive letters) using a dedicated share


This is almost the same as Method 2. You will be installing Execamort from a workstation and you will be entering a UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path name. You may need to be logged in with administrative privileges. On the first workstation, you will select the default of Full Installation. On the other workstations, you will select to install just the Run Time files only. In all cases, you will need to override the default installation location and specify the UNC path name to install to.


    1. On your file server, create a folder to contain the Execamort program. For example: On your server you might have a server drive E: with an applications folder called APPL (E:\APPL) and that folder is not shared. You will need to create a folder called EXECAMORT in the E:\APPL folder. You would then share the Execamort folder. From the workstations you would access this share with the UNC path of \\servername\execamort
    2. From a workstation on the network, run the Execamort installer, selecting the full installation option. When prompted for the location to install to, specify the path \\servername\execamort
    3. Install the latest Exec-amort Hotfix update to your server. The latest Exec-amort hotfix is available only when you log in to the website. Click the log in button on the top right and log in. Once your logged in, click on the Downloads/Updates menu selection. Scroll to the bottom half of the downloads and updates web page to locate the downloadable products. Select the Hotfix download.
    4. Double Click on Execamort icon on your workstation desktop and enter in your serial number and activation key when requested
    5. Go to your next workstation and run the Execamort installer, but select only the Run Time install option (do not select the Full install). When prompted for the location to install to, specify the path \\servername\execamort
    6. Delete the desktop icon created by the Execamort installer
    7. Create a new desktop shortcut to the installed location \\servername\execamort\execamort.exe
    8. Repeat the last three steps for each additional workstation that will need to access the network copy of the Execamort program.

In the above installation instructions, be sure to replace "servername" with the real name of your server.

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